Weekly Email About Marketing – Why Sign-up?
Would you like to join a weekly email about marketing containing the best marketing resources and actionable insights from the last seven days?
Then join my exclusive inner circle as we journey along the marketing path to success.
My email list is double opt-in, so don’t forget to click the link in the confirmation email.
Why Join My List?
If you’re new to marketing, been working as a marketer for a while but looking for fresh ideas or need to get up-to-speed because you’re a small business owner who needs to know what works, then my weekly email about marketing is for you.
Every week, you’ll get my personal insights and the best resource I’ve discovered from the last seven days. This could be a video, article, email, website, song, tweet, event or podcast.
Are Your Details Private?
Of course!
I respect your privacy. This email list is for my personal website, so I treat it like a list of my friends. In fact, many of my friends and family are on this list, so my privacy policy for it is this:
I’ll treat you and your details just like my friends. This is my personal list for my personal website, not a business list. I will never rent or sell this list; you’re my inner circle.
Join using the form below:
How Long Will Emails Be?
Emails will usually have a short intro with a talking point from the past week. The intro will be something we need to look out for or a pertinent question, then I’ll provide some marketing insights, fresh ideas and your new resources for the week.
The two topics could come in the form of a resource (examples mentioned above), an event I attended or an important lesson I learned.
I aim to keep it short and sweet. Each section of this page provides a good example of how long each section of the email will be. Three paragraphs made up of a few short sentences.
How Often Will You be Emailed About Marketing?
An email will be sent to you once a week. It may be possible for you to change your preferences to receive a thought of the day or to get a monthly digest instead.
If I notice you haven’t been opening emails for a long time, I might add you to my inner circle’s monthly marketing digest email. The same privacy policy outlined above still applies because you signed up to be a part of my inner circle.
Don’t worry, I’m sure even my mum could forget to look at my emails sometime and end up on the monthly digest list too!
Marketing Information Email Sign-up
What are you waiting for? Winter is coming. Sign up to my marketing email list now to start making the most of your marketing efforts.
My marketing information email list is double opt-in, so you’ll receive a confirmation email. You’ll need to click on the verification link inside, then it’s all set up.
If you don’t see the email right away, don’t forget to check your spam or junk mail folders.